Under 18 years old can apply Lin’s Medicine program ?

Under 18 years old can apply Lin’s Medicine program ?

Both Medical University of Lublin and Poznan University of Medical Sciences accept candidates hold IGCSE and GED degree if their study performance meet the qualification standard. Nowadays, there are more and more international high school students come to apply Lin’s Medical programs during their year 10-year 11. They have strong desire to study medicine, they always try to prepare themselves to become a medical students in the future. So under 18 years but well prepared applicants are more than welcome to consult our office, we will help to evaluate your qualification and possibility to apply the medicine program for free !

The following students are good example that enroll at our medical program when they are 16 years old or 17 years old. But all of them has excellent English skill, sciences knowledge background and great motivation to study medicine.

Lin’s Medicine program

For students under 18 year old, will face the problem with Poland Bank policy does not allow students under 18 year open account and immigration is not allow under 18 years students stay in Poland alone. But Lin’s Poland local offices will always coordinate with the Thailand office to find the best solution for our young freshman, They success enroll school and stay in Poland legally.More information please contact

Tel  02-6454085  084-6928787