6MD Program In Poland and China


  • High school diploma or equivalent, GPA 3.0 or above with aminimum score of IETS 6.0,TOEFL 87 or TOEIC 700
  • Admission Tests: 60-question written test, (25-biology, 20-chemistry, and15-physics) and 20-question oral examination (biology, chemistry,and physics).
  • IETS 6.0, TOEFL 87,TOEIC 700


China, officially the People’s Republic of China (PRC), is a sovereign state in East Asia. It is the world’s most populous country, with a population of over 1.35 billion. The PRC is a single-party state governed by the Communist Party, with its seat of government in the capital city of Beijing. It exercises jurisdiction over 22 provinces, five autonomous regions, four direct-controlled municipalities (Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai and Chongqing), and two mostly self-governing special administrative regions (Hong Kong and Macau); while claiming sovereignty over Taiwan.

Covering approximately 9.6 million square kilometers, China is the world’s second-largest country by land area, and either the third or fourth-largest by total area, depending on the method of measurement. China’s landscape is vast and diverse, ranging from forest steppes and the Gobi and Taklamakan deserts in the arid north to subtropical forests in the wetter south. The Himalaya, Karakoram, Pamir and Tian Shan mountain ranges separate China from South and Central Asia. The Yangtze and Yellow Rivers, the third- and sixth-longest in the world, run from the Tibetan Plateau to the densely populated eastern seaboard. China’s coastline along the Pacific Ocean is 14,500 kilometres (9,000 mi) long, and is bounded by the Bohai, Yellow, East and South China Seas.

China is a cradle of civilization, with its known history beginning with an ancient civilization – one of the world’s earliest – that flourished in the fertile basin of the Yellow River in the North China Plain. For millennia, China’s political system was based on hereditary monarchies, known as dynasties, beginning with the semi-mythological Xia of the Yellow River basin(c. 2800 BCE)[citation needed]. Since 221 BCE, when the Qin Dynasty first conquered several states to form a Chinese empire, the country has expanded, fractured and reformed numerous times. The Republic of China (ROC) overthrew the last dynasty in 1911, and ruled the Chinese mainland until 1949. After World War II, the Communist Party defeated the nationalist Kuomintang in mainland China and established the People’s Republic of China in Beijing on 1 October 1949, while the Kuomintang relocated the ROC government to its present capital of Taipei.

China had the largest and most complex economy in the world for most of the past two thousand years, during which it has seen cycles of prosperity and decline.[18][19] Since the introduction of economic reforms in 1978, China has become one of the world’s fastest-growing major economies. As of 2014, it is the world’s second-largest economy by nominal total GDP and largest by purchasing power parity (PPP). China is also the world’s largest exporter and second-largest importer of goods. China is a recognized nuclear weapons state and has the world’s largest standing army, with the second-largest defence budget.The PRC has been a United Nations member since 1971, when it replaced the ROC as a permanent member of the U.N. Security Council. China is also a member of numerous formal and informal multilateral organizations, including the WTO, APEC, BRICS, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the BCIM and the G-20. China is a great power and a major regional power within Asia, and has been characterized as a potential superpower.


China is a member of the WTO and is the world’s largest trading power, with a total international trade value of US$3.87 trillion in 2012. Its foreign exchange reserves reached US$2.85 trillion by the end of 2010, an increase of 18.7% over the previous year, making its reserves by far the world’s largest. In 2012, China was the world’s largest recipient of inward foreign direct investment (FDI), attracting $253 billion.China also invests abroad, with a total outward FDI of $62.4 billion in 2012, and a number of major takeovers of foreign firms by Chinese companies In 2009, China owned an estimated $1.6 trillion of US securities, and was also the largest foreign holder of US public debt, owning over $1.16 trillion in US Treasury bonds.[283][284] China’s undervalued exchange rate has caused friction with other major economies, and it has also been widely criticized for manufacturing large quantities of counterfeit goods. According to consulting firm McKinsey, total outstanding debt in China increased from $7.4 trillion in 2007 to $28.2 trillion in 2014, which reflects 228% of China’s GDP, a percentage higher than that of some G20 nations.


Education in China comprises primary and junior secondary school, which together last for nine years. In 2010, about 82.5 percent of students continued their education at a three-year senior secondary school. The Gaokao, China’s national university entrance exam, is a prerequisite for entrance into most higher education institutions. In 2010, 27 percent of secondary school graduates are enrolled in higher education.Vocational education is available to students at the secondary and tertiary level


The National Health and Family Planning Commission, together with its counterparts in the local commissions, oversees the health needs of the Chinese population.[415] An emphasis on public health and preventive medicine has characterized Chinese health policy since the early 1950s. At that time, the Communist Party started the Patriotic Health Campaign, which was aimed at improving sanitation and hygiene, as well as treating and preventing several diseases. Diseases such as cholera, typhoid and scarlet fever, which were previously rife in China, were nearly eradicated by the campaign. After Deng Xiaoping began instituting economic reforms in 1978, the health of the Chinese public improved rapidly because of better nutrition, although many of the free public health services provided in the countryside disappeared along with the People’s Communes. Healthcare in China became mostly privatized, and experienced a significant rise in quality. In 2009, the government began a 3-year large-scale healthcare provision initiative worth US$124 billion.


Poland is located in the very centre of Europe. With the total area of 312,679 km² (120,728 sq mi) it’s the seventh biggest country on the continent. Polish population is over 38,5 million people. The capital city is Warsaw (around 2 million inhabitants). Poland borders 7 countries: Germany on the west, Czech Republic and Slovakia on the south, Ukraine, Belarus and Lithuania on the east, and Russia on the north.
Most of the country is located on lowlands. On the south there are upland areas with two major mountain chains – the Carpathians (Karpaty) and the Sudetes (Sudety). The Baltic sea coastline on the north measures 770 km. The longest river, Vistula (Wisła) is 1,047 km (678 miles) long.

The highest point of Poland is the peak of Rysy, 2,499 meters (8, 199 ft) in elevation. The lowest point in Poland is at 2 meters (7 ft) below sea level, located in the Vistula Delta.

The climate is moderate. The average summer temperature ranges from 20 °C (68 °F) to 30 °C (86 °F). Winters are cold – the average ranges from 3 °C (37,4 °F) in the northwest to –8 °C (17,6 °F) in the northeast.


General information about PolandFirst Polish state was recognized in second half of Xth century, when the Piast dynasty connected a few territories ruled by local Slavic tribes. In 966 Poland was baptized, and in 1025 the first king- Bolesław Chrobry – was enthroned. In the twelfth century Poland was divided to a few smaller states. The reunification took place in 1320. In 1385 Poland and Lithuania formed a commonwealth. The common Polish-Lithuanian state (named the Republic of Both Nations) became one of the biggest and strongest countries in Europe. The crisis emerged in the half of XVIIth century with the Swedish invasion, which caused a serious social and economical damage. Between 1772 and 1795 Poland went through a series of wars, ending with partitioning the country between Russia, Prussia, and Austria. The independence was lost for 123 years.

In 1918 Poland regained its sovereignty as a parliamentary republic. The borders were formed after three years of wars against Germany, Soviet Russia, Czechoslovakia, Lithuania and Ukrainian forces. In 1926 Józef Piłsudski, the most popular leader and World War hero, organized a coup, transforming the country to presidential republic.

In September 1939 Poland was attacked by joint German (1 IX) and Soviet (17 IX) forces. Until 1945 the country was occupied. Over 6 000 000 people (half of them Polish Jews) perished. Polish troops fought against Germany on numerous fronts of World War II.

Between 1945 and 1989 Poland was ruled by communist governments installed by Soviet Union under the name of People’s Republic of Poland. The country had some social and economical achievements, but human rights were abused and many civil liberties suspended. In 1989 the independent trade union under the leadership of overthrown the regime. Poland built the democratic institutions and joined the international organizations: NATO in 1999 and European Union in 2004.

Political System

Poland is a parliamentary republic. Prime Minister and Council of Ministers led by him are the leading institutions. The President is a head of state and is elected every five years in a popular election. The Parliament is bicameral and consists of a 460-member Sejm (the lower house) and a 100-member Senat. The elections take place every four years. Sejm is elected under d’Hondt proportional representation method, with 5% election threshold, and Senat under plurality voting system with 2-4 Senators elected from each constituency. There are four major parties represented in the Parliament: moderate right-wing Civic Platform, right-wing Law and Justice, centrist Polish People’s Party and social democratic Left and Democrats.


After 1989 Poland came through a shock therapy liberal project by Leszek Balcerowicz, the then Minister of Finances. It caused serious social damages, as in other former Eastern Bloc countries, although Poland was the first of them to regain the pre-1989 GDP level. Since last 15 years Polish GDP grows rapidly, with an average rate of 5% per year. The inflation rate is low and the wages have grown in a yearly rate of 15% for the past two years. The unemployment, very high until 2004, is rapidly decreasing. Right now its level is 11 %, but it’s expected to fall beneath 8% in two years time. These economical factors, along with the modest living costs, make Poland an attractive location for both studying and working.


Wenzhou Medical University (WMU)


Wenzhou Medical University (WMU), it’s history can be traced back from
Zhejiang Medical School established in Hangzhou in 1912, . In 1958, Part of Zhejiang Medical School was moved from Hangzhou to Wenzhou, hence the name changed to Wenzhou Medical College.In 2013, the name changed to Wenzhou Medical University (WMU). One of the 30 universities which is authorized to enroll international medical students (English-Medium Education)since 2006, there are 1044 international students from 55 countries in WMU currently

Wenzhou Medical University is ranked as the 18th among the medical
schools in China. Average passing rate of WMU graduates in Chinese Doctor’s License Examination is more than 80% and within the top 10% among all Chinese Medical Schools. The passing rate was the 5th place of the 147 medical schools in China. In 2015, the employment satisfaction rate was ranked the 2nd place among the graduates and the 5th place among the employers in China.

Wenzhou Medical University is composed of 4 campuses, located
respectively at Xueyuan Road, Xiushan Chashan and Binhai,covers an area of about 1,200,000 ㎡ , with a floor space of 500,000 ㎡.The school library has a collection of 2,150,000 books and 1100 categories of periodicals either in Chinese or foreign languages. WMU administered 21Affiliated hospitals with more than 15000 beds opened (among which 17 are generalhospitals and 4 are specialized hospitals), rendering medical services to a population of 20 million apart from 50 teaching and practicing hospitals.

WMU has over 9400 professional academic staff, out of which, 1400 holds
senior professional technical positions.


Medical University of Lublin



MUL was established in 1944; the esteemed National university in Poland, with more than 70 years of history, more than 20 years experience of English speaking education, courses are approved by Medical Board of EU and the US. After getting the United States Medical Licensing Examination, the graduates can apply for working as a resident physician in the United States. The graduates obtain MD degree from MUL with more than 85% passing rate of the medical licensing exam, and there are already over 450 graduates successfully got employed by the medical institutes in the United States.

The Medical University of Lublin-Asia Pacific Company was established in 2008, and already recruited more than 1000 international students from the
Asian countries, such as Taiwan, Thailand, Korea, Japan and so on. The graduates have more than 85% passing rate of the medical licensing exams in their countries.
Three university hospitals

Medical University of Lublin, offering excellent training programs and
facilities for students in almost every area in medicine. The university provides medical services for the city, the province and the region. The total number of patients treated in these hospitals per year amounts to: about 83,500 hospitalizations and 450,000 outpatients. Over 17,000 surgical procedures and performed in the artificial kidney center.

establish the USMLE and NBME practice exams center. Over 6000 students from two dozen different countries, including approximately 1100 students from 6-year Medical Program in Polish. The university admits students in different medical
program, including more than 1000 students from the United State, Canada,
European countries, China, Taiwan, Thailand, Korea and other Asian countries
who are enrolled in our English program. Many countries provide scholarship
for entrance of MUL, such as Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Norway, Sweden, China,
Taiwan, Thailand and so on.


China in Brief , Basic Chemistry, Physics, Medical Ethnics, Organic Chemistry, Psychology, Cell Biology, Systematic anatomy, Topographic Anatomy, Histology and Embryology, Biochemistry,Medical Genetics,Medical Microbiology,Medical Immunology,Human Parasitology,Physiology,Pathophysiology,Pharmacology,Molecular Biology,Traditional Chinese Medicine,Acupuncture,Health Statistics,Diagnostics,Preventive Medicine,Radiology,Forensic Medicine,Epidemiology


The program starts every spring and fall semester.The 6-year dual degree program practices a double-semester system. The academic year starts in October and consists of two semesters. The fall semester lasts from October to the end of January, and the spring semester from February to the end of June.Application deadline: August 30th, January 30th

Application Time-1


School    MUL + WMU
Application Fee  250 Euro [Pay before admission test ]
 Pre-Course Fee  Depends on each student’ssituation
 2016-2017 Tuition Fee  6 years medical doctor program

  • 1st year About 10800 EURO
  • 2nd year 12800 EURO
  • 3rd year 12800 EURO
  • 4th year 12800 EURO
  • 5th year 13800 EURO
  • 6th year 14800 EURO
 Housing   250-300 Euro
 Living Expense   3700-4700 Euro
 Appliance Expense   780 Euro
 Textbooks Expense   500Euro
 Air Tickets   1400 Euro
 Residency Card Fee   170 Euro
 Estimated Annual Cost   Poland : About 22,000-24,000 Euro
Wenzhou : About 18,000-20,000Euro
 Total Cost   About 120,000 – 132,000 Euro


1. Applicants Personal Resume (in English) and copy  2 letters
2. Official transcripts original and  copy (GPA 3.0) 2 letters
3. Graduate certificate original and  copy 2 letters
4. ID card  copy 4 letters
5.Passport with at least 6 month validity (original) or Passport copy
6. Financial statement (cover 1st year study cost ) original
7. Health certificate (original) **should have Liver function test &Hepatitis B test report**
8. Personal Awards or certificate copy
9. Name change certificate(if have)
10. Photo 2’ x 2’
11.Recommendation letter (original)
12. Motivation  Letter (Not less than 800 letters)